Why hello esteemed guests and colleagues! I am so excited to finally anounce the opening of my site, Tu-Video-Curriculum.com! This has been a true labor of love and has been in the works (at least inside my head!) for about 5 years now. I initially conceived the idea to bring quality informational and educational videos to a huge audience back in 2012. I was a teacher at Overhills High School and I saw how engaged all of my students were with Youtube and similar services. This fun videos really seemed to grasp their attention, much more so than my lecture! That’s when it hit me, why not take learning to Youtube?
That was when I launched my first Youtube Channel, called Learn With Me, a series of videos on all kinds of topics, normally health and wellness and also math and science. We also have a large collection of videos on history, with a special emphasis on Roman History. So anyway, fast forward to today and the channel is doing quite well. I thought that a great next step would be to launch this website in order to increase the number of people who are learning with us.
That’s enough rambling for me, hopefully this post has you excited on the possible potential of my site. Thanks for coming by!